Agricultural Water Supply: 4 Benefits of Polywater and Rainwater Tanks

The Australian diet has changed a lot over the past 40 years and people now eat a much more varied diet. That has meant a lot of changes and adapting for farmers. I find it really interesting to look at how much farming has changed for families over the last century. I have been recording some of the stories of how farming has changed by talking to farming families as well as chatting to some agricultural experts to see how farming might change in the next century. I hope this blog will help to inspire people about the Australian farming industry.

Agricultural Water Supply: 4 Benefits of Polywater and Rainwater Tanks

19 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

For the past five years, large parts of Australia have been hit by devastating droughts. Because of these tough conditions, many who work in the agricultural sector have started to invest in rainwater tanks as a way of increasing and preserving their water supply. Below is a guide to 4 benefits offered by polywater and rainwater tanks.

Financial savings

Water can be expensive. Every time you use the taps, shower, bath, washing machine or irrigate your crops you are drawing water from the public supply. Of course, this will need to be paid for and the cost of water is only going one way, and that way is up! Investing in a number of water tanks will provide you will a free supply of water and will help to reduce your water bill. However, if you plan to use the water for drinking or bathing, it is important that you install a filter on your water tank. 

Low maintenance 

Once the water tanks have been installed on your farm, there is very little you need to do in the way of maintenance. You should occasionally carry out an inspection of the water tank to make sure it is not leaking. If you notice any signs of a leak, you should carry out immediate repairs. 

Reduces strain on the public water supply

During a drought, a rainwater tank is a great way to do your bit and reduce the strain on the public water supply. By collecting whatever water you can in your tank and storing it, you can use it when water is scarce. Also, if any local restrictions are put in place regarding the use of water, these do not usually apply to water you have collected yourself which means you will be able to continue irrigating your land.

Improved water quality 

If you are using the collected water to irrigate your crops, you can be happy in the knowledge that you are using the best quality water. Water from the public water supply will often have had chemicals added to it at the water treatment plant. While these chemicals are not harmful to human health, they can stop your crops from thriving as they should. 

If you would like to find out more about the benefit of having a rainwater or poly water tank installed on your farm, you should contact a professional supplier today for more information and advice.

About Me
Growing a range of crops

The Australian diet has changed a lot over the past 40 years and people now eat a much more varied diet. That has meant a lot of changes and adapting for farmers. I find it really interesting to look at how much farming has changed for families over the last century. I have been recording some of the stories of how farming has changed by talking to farming families as well as chatting to some agricultural experts to see how farming might change in the next century. I hope this blog will help to inspire people about the Australian farming industry.
